Sunday, October 5, 2008

Seth Petruzelli: Gold Dust Strikes!

Well, if you wanted to learn a little more about the man who flattened the internet legend Kimbo Slice in a mere 14 seconds, just feel free to visit his MYSPACE PAGE and enjoy a crash course in UFC meets Party Monster.

So at least now we know what he's been up to since Season 2 of The Ultimate Fighter.

Already on the forums, there's been some pretty heavy backlash by the not-quite-21st-century MMA fans, but before you run around changing his fighting name from "the Silverback" to "the Purpleback," don't forget that just last night, this is what Petruzelli looked like.

We all saw Petruzelli make quick work of a man that was almost universally expected to walk through Ken Shamrock. Yes, Ken is old, but it still takes a competent fighter to "walk through" him.

Let's give the dude some credit for a sense of humor.

So hey, add the dude to your MySpace friends if you're secure in your masculinity... Gold Dust power!

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