Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Rampage Jackson: Arrest Video

Well, the whole thing seems pretty uncharacteristitc for one of the more composed and respected acts outside the ring. Guess we'll see where the chips fall...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

C.B. Dolloway: Not such a douche?

Here is C.B. Dolloway's BLOG ENTRY which addresses his reaction to his stoppage loss to Amir Sadollah in the TUF 7 Finale.

What can I say? I found that douchebag WTF running around complaining about a stoppage to an obvious tap to be one of the most ridiculous spectacles since Gabe Ruediger. But hey - and I'm assuming there wasn't a ghost writer here - the guy owned up to it and said it was embarrassing and asked everyone to support Amir as he pushes forward.

So hey, why not.